Looks like you're not having an account, yet. You should consider creating one, as you will not be able to edit your event afterwards.

In addition, trusted accounts will not have to wait for their events to be checked by us.


A maximum of 50 character can be entered.

Select the event's category.

To make it easy to use our website, only a few categories are available.

Select the event's language.

If you can, select the language of the workshop.

Please enter a URL where more information can be found or tickets can be bought.

Please upload/provide an image that we can show on our website. It will be automatically shrinked to 300x300px.

Ticket price

How much does a regular/standard ticket for the event cost?

When does the event start?

Please select the appropriate timezone of the event.

When does the event end?


In which country does the event take place?

In which city does the event take place?

